Truth Hurts

I wrote a feature-length screenplay called Truth Hurts which expresses my anger with society and with politics in the United States. To be effective, it addresses many current events and issues. Unfortunately, this makes it a time-sensitive work; this screenplay can become dated very easily (and did so).

In an ideal world, I would have written this screenplay in 2017, spent a couple of years finding someone to make it, and it would have been released as a film in 2020, which is an election year and therefore the perfect time to get publicity.

But I didn't finish it until late 2019, and I was too overwhelmed with life's problems to spend any great amount of time trying to find a producer. It is now 2020, and thanks to the coronavirus, I feel like the screenplay has already become somewhat dated; socio-political events happen quickly. I am more overwhelmed than ever, so I have absolutely no time to try to get this made.

Additionally, because there is a section of the screenplay in which one character basically preaches for a few minutes, I have been told by several professionals that an unheard-of writer would never be able to sell a screenplay like this. I won't change it because it's the story I want to tell, and if that makes the screenplay more unsellable, so be it.

So, I am providing the screenplay here for anyone who wants to read it. Anyone may share this link, but please do not share the screenplay itself without permission.

Contains adult language.

This screenplay is copyright Douglas Neman, 2020.

Truth Hurts

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